USA Water Polo

All athletes must have a current USAWP membership.  There are multiple categories of membership available:
  • Bronze ($) covers practice only - not valid for games/tournaments.
  • Silver ($$) covers practice and games/tournaments but not JO's.
  • Gold ($$$) covers all practice and tournaments and is required for JO's.
  • College/Young Professional - open to athletes 19-25 or in college, is essentially a Gold level membership for ~ $55.  ***Note - there is a SafeSport training requirement that must be completed if the College/Young Professional membership is selected.
  • If unsure, you can purchase the cheapest option and upgrade later if necessary.

To register, visit

Bulldog Club ID# is 31612 for your Club Affiliation

***Note*** Athletes on a Free/Reduced School Lunch program can apply for a USA Water Polo Shieldy Scholarship by clicking here or here.  The membership is the equilavent of a Gold level membership.